LI Gui-sha, ZHAO Chun-yu, LIN Shan-jin, LU Lin |
School of Geography and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241002, China |
Abstract In the context of deep integration of culture and tourism, creative space is the material carrier and concentrated expression field of urban culture and spirit, as well as an important breakthrough point of cultural production and tourism development. This paper selects Hefei, a central city with vertical economic rise, as a case study. The researchers obtained text and photo data in two ways: One was to interview tourists and merchants in Lei Street, Hefei, and the other was to collect text and photo data of comments on the Internet. We constructed the theoretical analysis framework of creative space production combined with StageAuthentic theory and Interactive-Ritual-Chain theory in Lei Street, explored the production process and mode of urban creative space under the intervention of tourism, and analyzed the internal logic of tourists' interactive practice promoting the reproduction of creative space. This paper found that the production mode of Lei Street creative space is the mode of top-down and bottom-up collaboration, that is, it is jointly produced by the government, enterprises and tourists. Under the guidance of urban renewal and cultural tourism development policies, developers invested in the construction of Lei Street to obtain the right of spatial domination. They set a symbolic and immersive creative stage through creative landscape and creative activities, uses the stage order to guide visitors to gaze at the landscape, and finally constructs the spatial representation of urban culture and traditional cultural images.
Received: 25 May 2023
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